Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Natural cough remedy for babies

Hello all,

My 6month LO had dry cough and i really couldn't see him cough hard. The doctor being a good one didn't suggest antibiotics yet but gave cough medicine. I personally feel home remedies are best. Like my old post here's another one i tried (with mom & mils help.) Hope this helps you too.

this is indian borage leaf.

betel leaf

wash them well & fry them. You can add half garlic and 1 pepper seed.

fry till they become soft & shrink insize

reduce them to a fine paste.

squeez it in a sieve and collect the liquid below. squeez very hard

thats the liquid i.e medicine

i add honey for taste

i give to my little one when ever he has cough & cold. Works well.

Mommy feeling

It's 1am. He coughed very hard. I comforted him. With his tired and sleepy eyes he looked at me and sighed "Amma".

Monday, January 19, 2015

6th month dearie

Woho half year mark!! Love this bundle of joy!! He sits straight and rolls forward & backward.So much fun to see him do all these.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


This is a wonderful app all parents should try. Keeps all memories intact in one place. you will definitely thank me for suggesting this. its called Lifecake.