Saturday, November 26, 2011


Depicting devotion on paper isn't easy. Just tried. Basic idea was taken from a flyer i came across a month ago (approx) in my University. In my last sketch, many liked the portion of the sketch at the left-bottom end. So i tried a full sketch with that kind. I liked it!! I feel the real sketch looks better than these two pics. The pics have a lil' zoomed in effect. :( Anyways here it is.....

Nobody by birth is theist or an atheist. Nor can you force anyone to be either one. As life trods along, as new situations are faced... we need someone to surrender to. What/Whom you surrender to decides your belief in God; In other words decides your religion.

Its left to you to view this picture clockwise or anti-clockwise. In any case please feel free to share your views on this. Here's the original :

God Bless!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Bucket List!

Yabbba dabbbbaaaa dooooooo.... my 100th post. Was wondering what to fill in...!! Thanks to the Halloween party i attended today... this thing got stuck in my mind!

Here i sing along....

A cool halloween party with a sudden twist,
Everyone started pondering about their bucket list!
A humongous list of to-do's, wants and tries
to be accomplished before one actually dies!!

Scuba-dive & sky-dive to face off all your fears
Travel Rome, Egypt and the entire world for all the coming years!
Set up a place for the deprived who need care
& Feed the millions of hungry stomachs everywhere!!

Fly a plane or air balloon and soar into skies
Some want it alone, while some prefer with wives :)
To turn into an ascetic, renouncing all worldly pleasure
To learn the secret of life... One's real treasure!!

Each of us have been endowed by Almighty with gifts to give,
Make one wish true for a stranger and help him live!
I know dreams fade away, thoughts run astray
But may this little poem remind me of all i need to accomplish before He takes me away!!

!!Cheers to Life!!

P.S: I also want to run down an escalator which is going up. Tried it once before.... but a security guard scolded me...!! Ok back to studies!! :'(

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Work was all hectic the last week, and finally completed my project today. Working on Prof Mazrui's personal website :)  As a token of appreciation, he said take rest for an hour girl, You have worked hard!! Aaaaaand this is what i did that hour. Actually in 40 mins i did this. What the picture symbolizes is very touching, but as an artist(timepass) i didn't like this sketch. Feel free to give me suggestions on improvising my art work.

Here it is..... tadaaa....

Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life! 
~Albert Einstein

And the original as always :

Let me know how it is!!

P.S : 1. If you have a doubt as to why 3 hands and 4 people... I have no answer!! :)