Thursday, May 8, 2014

My LO - Introduction

Amidst all Binghamton-Boston confusion
a tiny-weeny life there was,
forming inside me. Unknown to me.

2 thin blue striped lines, linear and straight 
exponentially brought happiness
and was about to change 2 sane humans fate.

Running my errands and completing my chores
i am reminded now i'm not alone.

Life was haywire and still settling down
Engulfed in silence for 3 whole months 
with a secret only I felt and few others knew..

10 little fingers 10 little toes 
10 minutes after i eat or drink
playing inside me is all i know.

swooshes n swishes n turns n kicks
every time you move, burp or hiccup
i would want to plant a big kiss on your cheek.

God is still painting you, they say
may you be the most beautiful painting ever till date!

P.S: LO means "Little One".


  1. Congrats to you guys... Neha & Kuldeep

  2. Beautifully depicted :) Colourful moments of life :)


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