Friday, September 11, 2009

Innocence/Notoriety Examplified!

Kid1: Avva, i'll ask you a question. you must give me the answer you feel is right! ok??
My Mom: Go ahead!
Kid1: What is the proof that shruthi is your daughter??
My Mom:What the hell?? Who asked you this question??
Kid1:You answer na!
My Mom:Ok whats the proof that you are your mothers daughter??
Kid1: I dont know! It's our religion and i must follow it and believe it! Who knows what the truth is!!


Me:Hey sweetie, if you had a doggy, what would u name it??
Kid2:hmm.. shruthi doggy, would sound nice naa!


I was conversing with my neighbor, who happens to be a mother of two naughty boys, one studying in 3rd and the other is just 1 1/2 years old.
She: I really don't know what these kids will grow up to be. Too pesky and annoying they are.
Kid3: Maaa, Tell me are you happy with a 5 lakh salary??
She:(puzzled) yaa of course
Kid3:Don't worry i'll earn so much in another 15 years.
She: HELLO! You should "study" for that. Else you cant get even a job and still you will be depending on me only.
Kid3:Don't worry about that, But one thing is for sure- you will always keep Cooking for me.
Me:Oh.. he likes your cooking is it?? good!
Kid3: Don't ask my wife to cook and all :P


Mother: See your sister has got 2 stars in her book today and look at you u haven't any today!
Kid4 (just 2.5 yrs old): she forgot ma, she will give stars tomorrow!


A family of three are traveling in a Reva car, mother didn't allow the kid to sit in the front seat,
Kid5: Maa, its always dad in the drivers seat and you next to him and me behind right, That means in future, it'll be Me in the drivers seat, My wife next to me and i will put both of you behind!

Kid6: Hey Sis, i don't get the point why you go to office??
Cousin Sis: If i don't go to office, then i wont hav money for your chocolates and biscuits :P
Kid6: My dad, just goes to that place {points out to an ATM} and gets money, why not you also do that??


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